Asthma WA eLearning Centre
One in nine people in Australia has asthma, affecting people of all ages. Asthma cannot be cured, but for most people it can be well controlled with good management.
WA's vision is to help West Australians breathe better by leading the
education and empowerment of people to take control of their respiratory
The Asthma WA eLearning Centre has been created to enable West Australians to have access to convenient options for learning about the management of asthma and other respiratory conditions. Information contained in our courses is based on the Australian Asthma Handbook, as a guide to current best-practice asthma care in Australia.
The website was initially funded by Telethon to deliver the 'Activ8 for Asthma' online course for sports coaches to encourage children with asthma to safely participate in sports.